Summer is Here!
Now Summer is here it's time for #StAndrewsGuiding to review the year with girls' families. So we have planned an evening for the 8th...

Guide Holiday
With leaders and Guides both making their promises, our 2019 Guide Holiday 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here' was a fun time. With...

Rainbows Summer Term 2018
Rainbows enjoy a visit to Rockingham Road Pleasure park

Brownies, Rainbows & Guides make fruit kebabs.
Before the end of last term, both Brownies and Rainbows had great fun making fruit kebabs as well as learning about how each fruit is...

Rainbows at Kirby Hall
70 years after Girlguiding members planted trees at Kirby Hall, the Rainbows of Kettering were invited back for a Division event to plant...

Rainbows stay at Trollsville sleepover
St.Andrews Rainbows and Brownies enjoy a sleepover together

20 Years ago today....
Being a Brownie Leader