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Brownie Promise
Dig in - Copy.jpg

Brownies make their promise when they are ready. Their promise is


'I promise that I will do my best, to be true to myself and develop my beliefs, to serve the Queen and my community, to help other people and to keep the (Brownie) Guide Law.'

The place to have fun & learn

" I love Brownie because you go to sleepovers and play on trampolines"

Pheobe age 10


"I like Brownies because I can make things and earn badges and get to play loads of fun games and make new friends"

Hetty age 7 

A dog

What Brownies Do

Brownies follow a program devised by Girlguiding UK, which you can learn more about on this page here 


Kettering Brownies i.e. St. Andrews Brownies also build girl's confidence in 

  • Communicating 

  • Practical skills e.g. First Aid 

  • Social skills - meet new people.

  • Being creative - bake and make

  • Support their community

  • Work together 



We help girls grow their confidence and independence whatever the capability, nationality, culture or ethnicity. 

Brownie Logo

Know Myself

Be Well

Take Action

Express Myself

Have Adventures

Skills for My Future

The New Brownie Programme 

There are 6 Skills Builder Themes, each with a range of badges and activities.


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