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Guides are the next step after Brownies and are for girls aged between 10 and 14 years old.


Girls can start Guides on or after her 10th birthday and stay with us until they are 14/15.  


Patrols are made up of Girlguides working together in small teams, organising activities and making decisions.




Guides when they join our guide unit are given a buddy who will be a friend and look after her for the first few weeks.


Once enrolled, Guides can work on interest or challenge badges, whilst learning new skills.



What Guides Do


Guides also learn valuable and important life skills 



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Sisters save Mum's Life 
Two Girlguides used the First Aid training badge training to work when their mum suffered a horrific fall downstairs at their home - Sisters' Save Mums Life.

Would you know what to do? Visit Rescitation visit here or see video below.

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The Fun Stuff


Guides also camp, canoe, bowl, visit places, go to festivals



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Zip wire

So much to do and so little time !

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